Need something that fits your schedule a little better? Don’t worry we offer the perfect solution with our One on One training. We can set up a time that works best for you for these sessions. Where you and your dog can learn together. We offer in person or virtual sessions.

Puppy Program

Socializing Tips

Understanding body language - TEMP

dealing with common puppy misbehaviors

Brain enrichment

General training tips

Sit, here, down

Crate training

Grooming & regular dog maintenance

Basic Obedience Program

Dog generalization

Practicing good house manners

Respecting thresholds

Explanation of the Triple D’s - duration, distance, and distraction

Reduce jumping

Loose leash walking

Stay, leave It, drop

Advanced Obedience Program

Respecting thresholds

Working on duration, distance, & distraction

Focus, place, heel

Proper Dog Tool Program

We want to make sure that an owner properly understands and can use the tools they need for proper training and communication with their dog. Dog training tools are an amazing asset to use in training but only when done properly. So many people get tools and use them incorrectly and give the items a bad name. 99% of the time it’s just the person misusing due to a misunderstanding of the product. We want to set you up for success with your dog in all aspects of training.


30 minute consult.

Need help with one specific que with your dog? Not sure where to start? Consult us today and we can help you decide on the best training path for you and your dog.